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Welcome to our blog about teaching and traveling abroad, with a little sports mixed in. We’re currently living in Seoul, South Korea in the Seocho district. The blog will follow our travels around Korea/Asia and detail our experiences while we teach english at GDA Junior for the next 12 months.

Our coordinates:

Katie Algate & Jordan Lunan

4FL 1302-4 Dongin BL

Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu

Seoul, South Korea


Phone: 02-3443-9424

Cell: 010-2660-2193

Skype: jorkat818





1. JEN - February 24, 2009

First, you are such a GEEK creating this blog. But, I must confess you did a great job! Especially with the banner, “Follow JorKat on our travels around the world”.

Secondly, know you are already missed! Silly? Yes, but true.

Lastly, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!! This is a great opportunity to grow together while discovering new adventures on this journey. Besides, before you know it, you’ll be back changing diapers… and I don’t mean Nathan’s 😉

2. kine - February 26, 2009

the banner, the theme….and the tagline…i have no words. i know this is you jordan. right katie? lol

3. Simen - February 26, 2009

Have a nice flight, might see u in sept. Planning a trip to n korea this fall.

4. jorkat - February 27, 2009

I hear that North Korea is beautiful that time of year. Please come and see us if you can.


5. Jamie - March 2, 2009

Nice Star Wars reference… props.
Shorten up the updates… my ass is numb from sitting here so long reading them!
Glad to hear from Mum that you have good teaching arrangements. Jordan – I expect the roster by week’s end… lol

6. Dyson - March 3, 2009

This blog looks like it was made by a Caucasion male from Montreal. Where is the Asian-ness?

7. Sub - March 3, 2009


8. Jamie - March 12, 2009

Your closet is crap JL, I like the bathroom though.
Where’s the freakin’ Roster, JaskAss?

9. Pam Osabel - November 18, 2009

I work with John Bardos of JetSetCitizen.com and YouCanTeachEnglish.com and we would love to interview you by email to ask you some questions about teaching English abroad. It should only take about 30 minutes of your time and we will promote your interview on Twitter and StumbleUpon. Please let me know if you are interested.


10. Kristina Meakin - May 4, 2010

Thanks for taking the time to make rude comments on my blog.

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